A Lifelong Learning Partnership
PLACET aims to improve the quality of the placement insertion of trainees in transnational mobility, e.g. LdV, focusing on the role of hosting organisations.
The teams involved are intermediary experts who face the difficulty of the labour market to accept foreign trainees and manage them smoothly.
The project aims to:
promote the potential of hosting a European trainee;
share intermediaries’ difficulties and best practice in the relationship with hosting companies;
involve entrepreneurs and managers in a data collection of needs,best practice and a SWOT analysis;
allow the sending promoters to better know the sector peculiarities and labour market situations of partners’ territories, most required job profiles, for better matching the trainees’ practical training needs/prepare them;
share a better knowledge of school systems/certifications to properly read applicants’ CVs;
create support materials for the hosting companies involving:
intercultural aspects;
information on the relevant E.U. Programmes;
basics on tutoring, evaluation, certification, with attention to Europass and ECVET.
All partners will be actively involved in all phases, each contributing with their specific expertise.
Meetings in each country will be the occasion to:
improve partners’ expertise
effectively coordinate the project and work f2f in the project team on the identified topics;
work with representatives of local hosting companies (or potential ones), entrepreneurs, chambers of commerce, trade associations.
Managers and mentors will be interviewed creating best practice videos (put in Internet) useful to attract new companies in transnational job experience.