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EUROYOUTH, founded in 2002, is a specialist training agency cooperating with a large number of other European training organizations.

  • Its’ focus is Linguistic and Professional Training within the European Community.

  • The organization’s aim is to internationalize education, creating an International Network of Training and Learning without borders.

  • EUROYOUTH’s employees are consultants on all aspects of European Cooperation, initiatives and development projects, as well as labour market issues and new local vocational approaches (Lifelong learning programme, Youth in action etc.).

  • EUROYOUTH also carries out technical visit programmes in all sectors.



Contact us:

Contact Person: Celina Santos


The organization is experienced in professional training and language training, offering programmes for participants (especially young participants, + 18 years), within in local and national companies.

It also work with technical visits programmes in all sectors of activity.

EUROYOUTH works as consultant in career guidance, preparing tailor-made placement programmes for trainees according to the Promotor’s indication and participants need and expectations, as well as in the full respect of the ALV aims.

Since our foundation, we have promoted and participated in numerous Projects, hosting more than 1.600 participants, in a wide range of professional sectors. An average of 350 participants per year are received.


The organization is part of TACTIC network for TACTIC and T-TACTIC@School (, whose main objective is to create manuals and identify best practices for mobility management.


In the present partnership EUROYOUTH will be therefore able to contribute effectively to the need analysis and to fulfil the project’s aims in cooperation with the placement companies of its country network.

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