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QUARTER MEDIATION is an adult education provider based in the Netherlands, with branches in Cyprus, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Turkey. It organizes Comenius and Grundtvig courses at European level, as well as courses at national level.


Its areas of expertise are in both General Education and Vocational Education and Training.

  • QUARTER MEDIATION has as its main aims to promote lifelong learning and to create a link between the education system (both general education and VET) and the labour market.

  • With extensive experience and expertise in The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013 and the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, QUARTER MEDIATION is a partner in a diverse range of projects, organizing events and promoting the image of different organizations and bodies.



  • works both with individuals (students, teachers, people in the labour market, decision makers in the field of education, VET specialists etc.) and institutions at local, national and international level (schools, universities, small, medium and large enterprises, associations, NGOs, municipal, regional and national authorities etc.).

  • is appointed by the European commission as the official Intermediary Organization for starters and experminted entrepreneurs for the Netherlands under the program "Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs".
    In this respect it can share the good practices of the business relationships between starters and experimented entrepreneurs from different countries and the experience it got as the official intermediary organization for the entrepreneurs from the Netherlands.



In the present partnership QUARTER MEDIATION will be therefore able to contribute effectively to the need analysis and to fulfil the project’s aims in cooperation with the placement companies of its country network.

Contact us:

Address: Lessinglaan 52, 3533 AX, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0)616 752 748

Contact person: Mrs. Cristina Stefan 





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