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Kick-off Meeting in Assen,

the Netherlands

28th & 29th of October 2013


During this first project meeting, the partners Quarter Mediation, IDEUM and ALFMED presented their organisations. We had discussions about the general objectives of the project, the tasks of each partner and activities to undertake.

We put up an internal communication tool and created our project logo.

We also scheduled all our future meetings.

Meeting in Arvidsjaur,


27th & 28th of February 2014



We welcomed our new partners Xena and Euroyouth and did a short presentation of all the partners, as the project team was now complete.


The main topics we discussed were the project management, the results of the questionnaire about the hosting company needs and the redivision of the tasks and activities among the project partners.


Meeting in Perpignan,


27th & 28th of May 2014



The main topics of this meeting were the Project outcomes. ALFMED presented the Website, XENA the leaflet and poster and all partners showed their videos with interviews of host companies. 

Further we discussed our work and the changes we have to make.


Meeting in Assen, the Netherlands

18th & 19th of September 2014


During the first day of the meeting, project partners from the Netherlands, Italy, France, Sweden and Portugal took part in presentations, relevant visits and workshops (e.g. Natuur en Milieufederatie Drenthe; Drents Archief), but also worked to finalise the project outcomes. In the first afternoon the participants in the meeting took part in a bike trip in the surroundings of Assen and the day ended with a common dinner.

In the second day, key speakers from the Netherlands from the areas of Tourism & Leisure and Performing Arts were invited to give a presentation and also to join the round table with the title "The ideal intern and the ideal host company in the area of tourism, leisure and performing arts".

Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal

16th & 17th of December 2014

After welcoming the partners, more videos of interviews with hosting companies were presented by each partner, even as two new tools: "Guide on intercultural and intergenerational issues" and "Checklist on Internship Tutoring" in order to promote and ease a better hosting internship. Both tools will be available on this website.

There were visits to two hosting organisations: Central Hospital of Lisbon and the Destination Hostel that, in addition to presenting the companies, gave their testimony in welcoming international trainees.

Besides those visits, a round table was also organized where several internship hosting companies and associations attended. After the presentation of partners and companies, they discussed all about hosting internships. This exchange of ideas and best practices on the profile of trainees, integration and hosting international internship was extremely helpful in clarifying challenges such as language barriers, feedback, and negotiation of work plans, among others.

Meeting in Arvidsjaur, Sweden, 24 & 25 of March 2015

During these two days the partners discussed updates from the last meeting, the project development and did a task check. As XENA could not be present at the meeting in Sweden, we connected with XENA via Skype. We updated each other on the previous task check and got input on the last meeting in June. Partners exchanged about project coordination, knowledge transfer, tasks and logistics for the next meeting. A very interesting visit was organised at Arvidsjaur Airport , the exhibition: “Winter Car Testing –through the years” and if partners were interested they could take a guided tour by Continental at the Continental Testing Facility

Meeting in Padua (Padova), Italy, 23 & 24 of June 2015

This was the last project meeting, it implied therefore to work on the last project tasks, including a global evaluation and drafting the final report.

It envisaged some interesting visits to companies and organisations with a positive background in hosting transnational interns: The textile restoration workshop Morassutti-Amistani, SPES (Human Educational and Social Services) and The Museum of Precinema – Minici Zotti Collection.

Several hosting companies were also protagonist of a conference and workshop held at Hotel Casa del Pellegrino, where they could exchange experience with the international partners with the aim of enhancing the future cooperations.

The intensive work agenda included some time to allow the international guests to visit the beauties of the three-thousand-year-old city of Padua.


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