A Lifelong Learning Partnership
PLACET a new tool to help companies for high quality transnational internship
The present partnership is the fruit of a need analysis conducted amongst experts supporting the mobility for transnational placements, mainly in the frame of LLP Leonardo da Vinci (IVT and PLM) and other institutional programmes.
The team is convinced of the crucial importance of practical work experience to acquire more occupational chances, especially for young people and for seniors to re-qualify, particularly in the current situation where both categories are facing dramatic unemployment rates in Europe.
(December 2012: 5.7 million unemployed young people under 25 across the EU with a youth unemployment rate of 23.4%).
The positive impact is proved as even more effective in the case of transnational placement mobility.
It may moreover contribute to connecting Europe, to innovation and growth as envisaged in the Europe2020 strategy.
To make these training paths possible there are many aspects involved;
a trainee and a hosting organization are the basics,
but the complexity of the elements implied show that this is not sufficient, especially when dealing with low-skilled profiles who are not in the conditions to design their career, identify suitable companies, contact them, etc.
There is the need of a training organization in the home country and of intermediaries assuring assistance on many fronts and effective connections in the hosting territory.
This proposal is launched by European intermediary teams who are allied, in line with the European trends “towards a quality framework for traineeships”; despite their long experience, they see that many complex aspects in their work process could be smoother, clearer and more efficient for the benefit of all parties involved, first of all for the trainee
Initially XENA was involved in LLP TOI “T-Tactic@School” initiative, and found out with other partners such as
LdV promoters,
intermediaries and hosting organizations
that they live the same problems in their daily work and feel the need of tools to support several aspects concerning the fundamental component in this process: the HOSTING ORGANISATION.
. In all phases there are elements to improve:
Sending promoters need to collect relevant info on the hosting organisations in the partner countries, understanding their peculiarities and the roles the trainees could perform on the basis of their profile. -
Companies are often not easy to involve because:-
the labour market doesn’t know the LLP Programme (except Erasmus), its potential, objectives and functioning;
they will hardly know the future E.U. Programming from 2014 in absence of specific initiatives. Employers are afraid of the language and bureaucracy implied in hosting a foreign trainee
For the correct insertion there are rules to apply, at European, national and sometimes regional level, agreements to sign, insurances and forms.This is another barrier that becomes higher when dealing with another country and bureaucracy in other languages.
On a content level: to properly match candidate and company there is the need to both be able to prepare (at home) and read/interpret (in the hosting country) a suitable C.V. knowing the school systems and skills implied in the relative titles.
Knowing the labour market and characteristics of the destination companies is needed to properly prepare the participants with appropriate sector-related, linguistic and transversal skills.
On all these fronts the intermediary partners play a crucial role to make the process smoother.
In this sense there is the need also to inform h.c. on the different roles and parties implied in an international placement project.
Once welcomed the trainee in the company, new challenges appear: the first are on the communication: both for linguistic and intercultural skill limits (most often on both sides).
What are the specific difficulties of the companies in this phase?
Knowing it better may help to prepare (ex-ante) and tutor (during).
Employers generally find many difficulties to support the human aspects of the trainee in a new country and prefer to rely on an intermediary tutor for that. In the same way they tend to avoid bureaucratic burdens, appreciating if external offices may take care of this aspect.
The hosting organization staff tend to be very busy and don’t consider monitoring and evaluation for other parties a priority.-
They need easy efficient instruments to report the placement situation while it takes place and ex-post, both to the trainee and the intermediary and promoter.
They need to share the logic behind meaningful monitoring internal deadlines
Companies are rarely skilled to assess the interns’ competences and report them in the certification, this is even harder when speaking of transversal competences. Moreover they don’t have the time to do it properly.This is why it is important to assist them and give them tools to be able to do it in the best and fastest possible way.
This is becoming even more important in the current projects, where not only the Europass is required, but also the participation in paths connected to ECVET, required by the promoters in the home country and the recognition of informally acquired skills.
There is a lack of information about the added value of traineeships abroad
There is the need to improve it: as in a circular process, a wide and incisive dissemination in the labour market may:-
facilitate the availability of new companies to host foreign trainees;
make companies more positively open to employ people who have an internship abroad in their CV, recognizing the added value of this experience.
All partners share this but there are national contexts that are real barriers to mobility regarding law and languages, companies background.
Project objectives and strategy
Our partnership’s aim is to improve the quality of the placement insertion of international trainees, focusing on the hosting companies.
PLACET’s concrete objectives in order to fulfill it are to:
share promoters/intermediaries’ difficulties and best practice in the relationship with hosting organisations/companies (HOs);
attract new HOs;show to the labour market the added value of mobility in people’ CVs;
promote the potential of hosting a foreign trainee (e.g. internationalization, new skills);
update sending promoters on sector peculiarities and labour market situations of partners’ regions for better matching the trainees’ training needs;
share knowledge on school systems and titles to properly prepare and read applicants’ CVs;provide HOs with info and knowledge on intercultural aspects; information on the relevant European Programmes; tutoring, evaluation, certification (special attention to Europass and ECVET);
identify methods/procedures for the positive participant integration and welcoming in the company.