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Xena is a non-profit association for the social promotion; since 1995 active on intercultural and non-formal education, vocational training, promotion of active citizenship, local and international projects, mainly in E.U. Programmes:

  • Youth in Action: exchanges, trainings. European Voluntary Service since 1996 (also in Caucasus, Latin America, Africa and Asia) incoming/outgoing;

  • trainings with trainers and people aged 18-30.LLP:

  • since 1996 promoter and intermediary in Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects incoming/outgoing youngsters/experts. Applying Europass.


Active since the 90’ in projects to

  • improve quality and support to tutors/organizers,

  • develop participants skills, e.g. LdV K4 “TACTIC Tools for Managing and Mentoring the International Work Placements to Guarantee the Recognition of the Competences Acquired and the Quality of the Learning Process” and LLP TOI “T-Tactic@School”

  • cooperate with many hosting companies and high and vocational schools of province/region.
    Grundtvig projects on the intercultural skills of E.U. project coordinators and competences acquired in mobility (e.g. VILMA Validation of Informal Learning in Mobility Actions).
    Accredited by the Veneto Region for guidance centre. Member of the Eurodesk network for 10 years and of Euroguidance since 2010.


Thanks to its past long experience in mobility projects, XENA will share its knowledge and methodology to implement the PLACET project and set up tools to higher qualty in mobility


Contact us:

Contact person: Paola Pertegato, Silvia Liponi, Clara Yula Mottarlini



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