A Lifelong Learning Partnership
Core activity of ALFMED:
offering French linguistic and cultural immersion combined with a Work experience;
providing continuous Language training for French companies. ALFMED philosophy stands on language teaching while following rigorous Quality standards and competences recognition.
This goal has been achieved through the Quality seal for French Academies in 2007 and 2011 and the Quality certification driven by the Regional government of Languedoc Roussillon in 2011.
As a continuous training centre for French companies, ALFMED has a very strong implication in the local economical and cultural market of Perpignan region and has developed some knowledge in the vocational training.
ALFMED works on specific training issues and qualifications with companies: 250 people trained yearly. Approved centre for administering the TOEIC, BULATS, TCF.
As an active member of the UPE66, Trade Union of Entrepreneurs, ALFMED is part of the Training Commission and works on competence development within the initial vocational training.
Contact us:
Contact persons: Florence Delseny Sobra and Alexandra Deit-Brummelhuis
E-mail: f.sobra@alfmed.com, a.deit@alfmed.com
As a Leonardo Mobility project host partner for 6 years, ALFMED has organized internships for a total of 500 students.
As partner, ALFMED has been involved in transversal European projects since 2009. Since 2010, ALFMED is fully involved in the ECVET initiative through its participation in TOI-Projects: “MOBility for EXcellence” (2010-2012), “Q-Mentor” (2012-2014).
These projects allow the academy to improve the quality and recognition of competences acquired through mobilities, in the framework of ECVET system. -
ALFMED is member of the European ECVET network and has followed numerous training sessions and seminars in 2012: « ECVET for Mobility », « Building ECVET », « ECVET workshop » and « ECVET exchanges and best practices »
In 2012 and 2013, ALFMED manages the linguistic and cultural preparation of the participants, as well as the selection of the European hosting partners for Leonardo Mobility projects run by the cluster PAM
A multilingual staff takes care of the related activities of the academy including: French classes, cultural immersion, internship briefing and placement monitoring.
ECVET past experience (training seminars, last application to a LdV ECVET mobility by a Belgian partner, the past TOI project Mobility Excellence and the actual TOI project Q-Mentor) should help ALFMED to include the ECVET concept into the tools implemented in the partnership.